
Personality… Does it belong to you…?

By Ronald Crampton posted 02-09-2015 03:42 PM


I am reminded of a scene in the movie 42. A young face full of joy, engaged in a memory that would define and follow into the life of an adult. My Father and I… Here in the grand stadium of My Dream of what I can be… On the field here they come…! That is Me down there…! That is Me…!

Niger get out here…! What does that mean…? Why do the people yell this…? Why does my Father yell this…? Dad… What you say I do not understand, but I am you and what you say, is me… Thus I will be as you ask, and yell with you… Niger get out of here…!

I know this is a movie, and I dare not say how accurate the details are to what truly happened during that game. It is however, a scene that is not uncommon from generation to generation, and it is not a scene about race…!

There is a big difference between Personality and Character. Personality is how we exhibit who we believe ourselves to be. Many of us have taken the Myers-Briggs, MMPI, and/or any other number of personality test that give us code and label to define our personality. Unfortunately however, and to my understanding of when I took the tests, none of these tests asked me why I exhibited my designated personality. Where does our personality come from…? Are we born with our personality…? If so, why would a child exhibit behavior of joy and pride turn behavior into an exhibition of confusion and assimilated hate…?

Children assimilate… Children do not have the developed meta-cognition to understand the meaning of words, thus the data they assimilate into their memories comes more from the communications of behaviors. When a child reaches adolescence, executive function is beginning to surge with great intensity which leads to the search for autonomy. God (which ever you may claim) however, played a comic joke at this same time of development by also engaging puberty with an equally great intensity. The human developmental need for meta-cognition versus the natural developmental need for procreation and survival… Oh, what a time of chaos…! When development reaches the precipice into young adulthood, the child (now young adult) should be transcending into accommodation of meta-cognition. All information assimilated to this point should be in assessment of being weighed and measured against autonomy. Here in this precipice lays the confounding variable between Personality and Character…

Character is an innate temperament, of which we naturally respond to a given aspect of an event we experience. A Virtue is a combination of Character, of which we naturally respond to the whole of the event. We as humans created labels for each Character and for each Virtue. As I stated, Character is an innate temperament: It is natural…! When our natural temperament is confounded and oppressed by assimilation behaviors, our Personality is thrown into a state of dissonance, and there is a high probability that personality will become suppressed to ownership…

Character is natural and thus belongs to you. If your Personality exhibits your accommodation with Character then your Personality belongs to you… If your Personality exhibits an assimilation of another, then your Personality belongs to the other… Unfortunately, whether it be clients, professors, parishioners, ordained, CEOs, millionaires and/or etc…; none but less than a handful have been able to answer this question with self-ownership: Who are you…?

With Character Profiling I help individuals reattach to their natural temperament, learn to identify their Character, and apply their own Personality to their own Life…

Collaborative Topic: Personality… Does yours belong to you…?

I encourage you to reply…

Thank you,

Ronald E. Crampton, MA, LAC, LPC


13791 East Rice Place, Suite 104

Aurora, CO 80015

(720) 250-8432



