
Am I an Atheist…?

By Ronald Crampton posted 02-25-2015 06:17 AM


WWJD: What would Jesus do…? Damn…! WDJD: What did Jesus do…? I get so angry with the topic of Jesus and God that I would have to say the emotion is just pure hate…! I want to shake my fists and cry havoc that I was ever taught about Jesus and even more so GOD…! Hell… Every day I wish I could wipe the knowledge of Jesus and God from my brain and just say I am an Atheist…!

So what did you do when you read what I had just said…? Did your hairs raise with condemnation and wrath…? Did your heart leap with a cause for my salvation…? If you are reading this far, I know that you care… But did you see… Did you hear… Did you feel… Did you know… What I actually said…?

I know in the written word it is difficult to observe the four behaviors of communication, but they are there…! Do you see them…?

Collaborative Topic: A parable: A wise man sits by the side of the road deep in meditation. A traveler comes by and stops at the wise man. Master, please tell me what you know… The wise man does not raise his head: I am not Jesus… The traveler sighs and walks on… Again a traveler: Master tell me what you know… Again the wise man: I am not Jesus… Again the traveler sighs and walks on… Again and again it is the same until the sun rises high… Another traveler stops: Will you share with me what you know…? Again the wise man: I am not Jesus…  The traveler: I know… I am… The wise man raises his head and with a smile gestures his hand to the ground by his side… Until the sun sets… They talk…

I encourage you to reply…

Thank you,

Ronald E. Crampton, MA, LAC, LPC


13791 East Rice Place, Suite 104

Aurora, CO 80015

(720) 250-8432


