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AnOddBox – Hmmm… I wonder what that word is…?

By Ronald Crampton Unpublished


AnOddBox – Hmmm… I wonder what that word is…?

So it begins... Just the other day I saw a post comparing a presidential candidate to Adolf Hitler… It makes my hands shake like a Nervous Ned to the thought of voting for another Hitler…! But what do I do…? I cannot decide… Am I a person who believes in or supports a form of government in which people choose by voting…? If so, then you will stone me with words such as “LibTurb”… So am I a person who believes in or supports a country that is governed by elected representatives and by an elected leader (such as a president) rather than by a king or queen…? If so you will pelt me with garbage and call me words such as “RepubliC*nt”… I value We the People… I value The government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth… But I do not know which we I am… I am so scared that I will not be on the “Right” or “Left” we side…

Yes, I am being a bit cynical…

I believe in a Republic where my voice means something and has the potential to make a difference… But I have to question if we are actually “Unto the Republic for which it stands”… A few months ago the news reported on a study that suggested over 90% of legislation is voted on by the elected officials WITHOUT public opinion… Unless I am wrong I believe this is a definition of a different word than Republic… Hmmm… I wonder what that word is...?

I have a few question: If Republicans and Democrats housed under a white dome and little white house make the decisions WITHOUT the Republic voice why do Republic people register as Republican or Democrat…? When did Republic and Democracy become words to mean giving up my voice…? When was the last time we the Republic fired an elected official for making decisions WITHOUT the Republic voice …? I think I recall a small county actually doing a vote of no confidence, but it must have been as silent as our Republic voice because I am just not sure… I am also a bit confused… I value capitalism… I hear and read posts from Republic people mortified by the government taking their money… Your money…? But it is okay to just give up your voice to the government…? Hmmm… I wonder what that word is…?

One of the most stupid (by definition not stigma, and in my own opinion of course) exhibitions of animalistic behavior we as a Republic people could do was one of the most intelligent actions of a Republic I have seen in my lifetime… We voted to make marijuana legal… Now I do not know if it was a case of people staying sober for one day to go out and vote, or people were to apathetic of the cause to go out and vote, but the vote of the people counted… Why is it however, that the only times (the less than 10%) we are a Republic is when we vote for a Democrat or Republican… Or when we vote to get stoned… Hmmm… I wonder what that word is…?

AnOddBox topic: Are we truly a Republic…? Or are we a different word…? Hmmm… I wonder what that word is…?

I encourage you to reply…

Thank you,

Ronald E. Crampton, MA, LAC, LPC

AV Treatment Services, LLC dba


PO Box 470396

Aurora, CO 80047

(720) 250-8432



